Family Plan
Vernon Valley Karate Academy, encourages participation by family members. “Family that kicks together, sticks together...” Most of our students share their karate experiences with other members of their family: brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers. We even provide classes where children are encouraged to train with their parents so they can learn together and work toward a common goal. Our Family Program is also very affordable in that amazing discounts are available.
Ranger Classes
Our Ranger Program is geared to meet the needs of our youngest students. We teach Karate techniques that motivate the children to succeed yet allow for the differences in developmental abilities at these young ages. This program stresses skills that promote getting along with others, working cooperatively with peers and teachers, avoiding conflict by learning proper social skills, and recognizing and dealing with incidents involving strangers and other dangerous situations.
Junior Classes
Our Junior Program continues to stress the social skill development that began in the Ranger classes and expands the training to include traditional Okinawan Kata and Kumite (sparring) skills.
Students in our Junior program practice Self-Defense techniques and strategies that will prepare them to stand strong and protect themselves from bullies. The Junior level students are guided to succeed in academics at school and responsibilities at home. Competition is afforded to our Junior students and those interested may participate in tournaments throughout the year.
Adult Classes
Our Adult Program presents Karate as an art. Analysis of technique is stressed so that a proper understanding of our system is assured. We teach Shorin-Ryu, a very traditional style of
Okinawan Karate.
Our program is based on the analysis of Kata. By learning and practicing these forms and utilizing the techniques contained within them our adult students develop proper self defense technique.
Our adult program is based on working cooperatively with fellow students so that progress is continual and safe. Competition is not stressed at this level. it is through working together in camaraderie and friendship that we attain competence in this martial art.